Thursday, January 4, 2018

Oh, Little one!

The alarm sounded at 6 AM, not my alarm but McKenzie's feeding machine. I almost couldn't believe it was morning, we were up most of the night with McKenzie (for the first time ever), she was so uncomfortable. It was 29 degrees with ice on my windshield while I attempted to warm up the car so we could head to see GI in Orlando (over 1,5 hours away). So, we bundled up and headed out.

GI confirmed McKenzie is indeed teething, how exciting! They also confirmed she is sick, how discouraging! McKenzie has an intestinal infection, a mouth infection and possible new food allergies. So, she has a bunch of medication and we did a stool study in hopes of finding out more. Its looking like she will be kept home and away from others as much as possible during cold and flu season - we want her to build an immune system, but not while her heart is still trying to heal. I know the summer should bring lots of fun, lots of development and hopefully no illnesses!

While I dislike seeing McKenzie sick, I am thankful she's home. It seems like it wasn't long ago when every time she got sick, she got admitted to Arnold Palmer. We never really know what to expect, we never really know when its "safe" to put away out emergency hospital bags. I think the hardest part of it all is knowing at any moment, things can change. This week she's home, but what about next? I am thankful her heart surgery is done as it's allowed less admissions - but the fear of her being admitted never really goes away as she's still a heart patient, still has an obstruction to her kidneys and still deals with dehydration. 

Becoming parents was life-changing in many ways, but becoming parents of a child with medical and special needs has changed who we are as individuals, how we think, how we live. I wouldn't change our lives with McKenzie for the world - but there are some days I wish she would catch a break for her own sake! Oh, little one - get well, you've got growing to do!

What a year it's been, so far.